Build it, and they might come

Google will eventually find and index your website without you having to do a thing. But there are ways to configure web content in order to gain the highest potential rankings.
Search Engine Optimization:
- CSS & HTML W3C Validation
- Folder & File names with keywords (to find your best 5 keywords, Google your competition or sites relevant to yours.)
- Custom Title & Description meta tags for each page
- Image Alt tags defined
- Load time 4 seconds or less
- Encouragement to renew your domain for 5+ years
- Robot.txt
Search Engine Promotion
Google and other engines are getting smarter at finding and listing only sites with quality content relevant to search terms.
Back in the day, there were all these "stupid tricks" people did to get listed. Fortunately, year-by-year, search engines have developed algorithms to weed out these ridiculous antics. And isn't that what we all want? To actually find the information we're looking for?
So now, the number one way to get the best listing (or any listing at all) is to have GOOD CONTENT. If you're not a writer or want help with your website copy, I can recommend a good editor.