Let's get you a good domain name

There are several principles to keep in mind when choosing a domain name. The guidelines listed below are just that, guidelines, not hard and fast rules.
Guidelines for Selecting A Domain Name:
- Pick Two Domains - Consider selecting a name that reflects the content on your site, in addition to your company name. When people are doing an online search, they are more likely to visit a site called scentedcandles.com before they visit connorswaxshop.com. You can have your company name directed to the content domain.
- Contains Keywords - Using keywords will not only allow visitors to instantly identify the content on your site, but will increase your ranking with the search engines. Try to use two or three primary keywords. Make them specific and descriptive. For example, if you specialize in custom mugs, customcoffeemugs.com would be a better choice than wesellmugs.com.
- Local Businesses - If your business is location specific, work the location into your name. For example, if you sell candles in Jupiter Florida, a good name might be jupiterfloridacandles.com. People don't search by name, they type in what they want and where.
- Shorter Is Better - Although a domain name can be up to 63 characters long (not including the extension), strive for 20 characters or less. The less your customers have to type and remember, the better. Would you remember moyerscustomuphostryrodsanddraperies.com?
- Avoid Hyphens (-) & Numbers - People may forget to type in the hyphen and numbers are confusing. Is that a 4, FOUR or FOR?
- Easy To Spell & Pronounce - Consider all the ways people will be finding your site: advertisements, search engines, printed marketing materials and word-of-mouth. Imagine telling someone your domain name over the phone. Would they have any doubts on how to spell it?
- Register for 5 Years or more - Many search engines give preferential treatment to long-term domains. They assume you are more likely to be legitimate than some fly-by-night business.
Brainstorming Ideas
Write down all the domain names you can think of that might be good for your web site. This is a brainstorming exercise so don't dismiss any possibility. Just write them down as they pop into your head. (If you need inspiration, you might try these name generating sites: nameboy.com and domainfellow.com). When you feel you've exhausted all the possibilities, narrow your list down to 2-3 good choices. Then ask family, friends and business associates which one they're most attracted to.
Registering Your Domain
I can handle your registration or transfer, management of organizational, administrative, billing, and technical contacts and your primary and secondary name server information.
If you prefer personal attention, accountability, and an internet-savvy designer who can give sound marketing advice, then I recommend getting a quote. It's the first step.