How much does an average website cost?

I get asked this a lot. The answer can be complicated because it's like asking "how much does a house cost?" It depends! But want to make it simple for you.
The average cost, across the board, for a standard brochure-type website from a design firm (such as myself) ranges between *$1,500-$4,000.
Factors that most effect where you might fall in this range are: design requirements,
number of pages, number of bells and whistles (things like photos, graphics, animations, scripts, SEO, blogs, etc.) and if you already have an established image/branding (logo, colors, style) or one needs to be created.
Find out how much yours will cost.
Can I get one for less?
Absolutely. There are a couple of alternatives to a custom-designed website.
Prefabbed Template Designs:
We'll select a design from an online template store and I will tweak it to your needs.
It won't be custom but its a good option for small budgets. Range: $500-$1,500.
Your Brother's Son's Friend
You might be able to find a friend or relative to do it. I generally don't recommend
this but it's hard to argue with free. (Most of my re-design projects are for business owners
who had a relative do their first website.)
* Price range based on internet research, conversations with business owners, prices listed by other design firms, and average cost for sites I've designed in the last couple years.
If you prefer personal attention, accountability, and an internet-savvy designer who can give sound marketing advice, then I'd recommend getting a quote. It's the first step.